Stickers and a Garbage Truck

Finally. After months and months and months of frustration, Finn actually sat on his potty, and peed in it. Yesterday morning, his diaper was dry when he woke up. So, I put him on the potty, and lo and behold, he went. Woo hoo!

About a month ago, I'd promised him a fire truck the first time he had potty success. So, after his gymnastic class, we drove to Toys R Us and he picked out a truck. He opted for a garbage truck instead of a fire truck, and he loves it. I picked up some stickers for next time. I figured it could get a little expensive and time consuming to be picking up a new truck he time he pees!

This morning the same thing happened. I really hope this continues. It may very well be two fluke mornings in a row, but at this point I'll celebrate any victory!