It's almost time!
I'm pretty excited! Thank you to everyone who posted and emailed me your suggestions. I now have a wonderfully long list of words to choose from. And I get to start tomorrow...stay tuned...
Christmas went well. The boys had fun, and Finn was pretty excited. We put out some milk and cookies for Santa, and of course the next morning they were gone. All Finn could talk about for the next few days was that Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk! The magic of Christmas has started, and I'm hoping he and Spencer will believe for quite a few years to come. It's so much fun!
11:51 AM | | 0 Comments
Can you think of a word?
I'm planning a photo project for 2008, and I need your help. I need suggestions on what to if you could give me ideas, that would be great. They should be one-word ideas...such as "love" or "fear", "pink" or "small."
I'd like to do at least a picture per week, and that means I need a lot of words. I'm planning a January 1st start date, so start suggesting! Each photograph will be posted on this blog, so if you want to see if your word has been photographed, be sure to check back often!
Please leave me a comment with your suggestion. Don't worry about leaving your name if you don't want to...but I'd really appreciate your help.
Thank you!
9:28 PM | | 0 Comments
It's snowing!!
Yikes! It's been a while. Over a month. Yes, I am a slacker.

9:02 AM | | 0 Comments
Can you believe it's almost the middle of November already? Lately the time has just been flying by. I can't believe we've been in this house for 5 months already. And I'm STILL using a 2-burner hotplate, microwave, and large toaster oven to cook.
I can't wait until it's done. Greg has been working non-stop. I know he's getting burnt out. I feel so bad for him, because he's been working at his "real" job as well as doing the kitchen (and he's been doing a great job too).
On a side-note, here's a picture I took today. It was foggy and raining, and as much as I dislike spiders, their webs can be beautiful.
10:36 PM | | 0 Comments
Itchy bum?
Spencer is odd. I love him dearly, but he is still odd! He has a new favourite toy. The batteries are almost dead (thank goodness) but he doesn't really care. I'm not sure if he has an itch or if he's working out by using it as a piece of gym equipment!
3:11 PM | | 0 Comments
Yesterday was the deadline for the seller to respond to my claim regarding the cell phone. He did not response by yesterday, and so this evening, I received a nice email from PayPal.
We have concluded our investigation into your case and have decided in your favor
Yay!! I won. I won. I won! I've received a partial credit so far, and I should receive the rest within 5 business days. Let's hope they are able to recover the rest soon.
9:23 PM | | 0 Comments
Trick or Treat
Yay, it's Halloween!
I took Finley and Spencer to the office today. It was good fun, and Finn left there with chocolate on his face, his pockets stuffed with treat-sized boxes of goodies, and more in my diaper bag.
Needless to say, he didn't nap much today. I did finally convince him to sleep by saying that if he didn't nap he wouldn't be going trick-or-treating!
He did much better than I thought he'd do. It took a little prompting for him to actually say "trick or treat" but he said it at each house, and he even said "thank you" each time too. After the first house he couldn't belive his luck...CANDY. People were giving him stuff. We went to about 8 houses, and then headed home. Unfortunately, since Greg and I both went with him, we missed the rush of kids coming to our place, and now we have way too many leftovers (not that Greg minds at all).
9:11 PM | | 0 Comments
Well, I'm still waiting to see what if the good people at PayPal will decide in my favour or what. From the last note on the claim file I'm (causiously) starting to think that maybe they will tell the seller to either send me a new phone or refund my money. He has until November 1st to make a decision. If he doesn't reply by then, PayPal will rule in my favour.
I did send him an email apologizing for making it seem like I was blaming him. I guess things didn't come out correctly when I first sent him a message. Really though, can you blame me? I'd just received an EMPTY box in the mail. What was I supposed to do? Be nice and understanding about it?
Speaking of ebay, I found this video the other day. I've been a Weird "Al" Yankovic fan for a long time (call me strange), but his parodies have made made me laugh.
7:05 PM | | 0 Comments
Stickers and a Garbage Truck
Finally. After months and months and months of frustration, Finn actually sat on his potty, and peed in it. Yesterday morning, his diaper was dry when he woke up. So, I put him on the potty, and lo and behold, he went. Woo hoo!
About a month ago, I'd promised him a fire truck the first time he had potty success. So, after his gymnastic class, we drove to Toys R Us and he picked out a truck. He opted for a garbage truck instead of a fire truck, and he loves it. I picked up some stickers for next time. I figured it could get a little expensive and time consuming to be picking up a new truck he time he pees!
This morning the same thing happened. I really hope this continues. It may very well be two fluke mornings in a row, but at this point I'll celebrate any victory!
11:31 AM | | 0 Comments
My new favourite photo
I took this photo yesterday. It's near our house, and I've been meaning to take a photo of it for about a week or so. I was hoping that I'd get it done before all of the leaves fell off the nice tree. So yesterday when Finn was napping, I loaded Spencer into the stroller, and off we went. Unfortunately, it started raining on our way there, so I didn't stay long. I took all of 4 shots, and 1 one ruined due to the fact that a delivery truck was in the shot.
I got a few strange looks from passerbys. I guess it looked a little strange for a woman stand ing on the corner in the rain with a baby in the stroller trying to set up her tripod! But, I think it was worth it.
11:39 AM | | 0 Comments
The Tortoise and the Hair
Ok, so he's supposed to be a turtle, but I wanted to impress you all with my witty play on words. Isn't he cute? I'm not done with Finn's custome yet, but fear not, I will post a picture or two when it's done. I can't say for sure that the pictures will be any good (because everyone knows just how uncooperatives toddlers can be. But, I will try.
If you'll notice, Spencer also got a hair cut! He had a bit of a long mohawk do' going on, and it was just time for it to go. So, Greg got out the razor and lo and behold...we have a little 8 month old that looks even more like his big brother did at the same age!
And last but not least, the mystery of the alien plant has been solved. It is a White Baneberry and is very poisonous. Click here to read more about it.
10:40 PM | | 0 Comments
Same stump, different year

I hope to continue this tradition for quite some time. I'm hoping it'll be easier in the coming years. If

8:19 PM | | 0 Comments
8 months already!
Where does the time go? Spencer is 8 months old today. He's doing the army-scoot, but will be crawling soon I'm sure. He's also starting to pull himself up to the standing position. That means that we'll be lowering the crib mattress this weekend!
10:26 PM | | 0 Comments
I'm going to blame this all on Spencer. For the past 3 weeks he has been waking up during the night. Once at midnight and then again at about 4:30. He seems to be hungry, so I feed him. However, tonight I will be putting a stop to it. It won't happen over night, but I will start feeding him less and less. He's almost 8 months old, he SHOULD be able to go 8 hours without a meal.
Wish me luck!
1:07 PM | | 0 Comments
Chinese Lantern Festival

3:57 PM | | 0 Comments
It was a dark and stormy night

Turns out I didn't have to go very far. I walked to the end of the driveway, and voila! Fog, lights, and trees. I was trying to go for the eerie feel, and I think I was able to somewhat capture it. I hope!

While doing this, I did get some strange looks from our neighbour. I saw her first in the window and then in the doorway looking at me. I'm not sure if she knew I lived there, or if she thought I was just some strange person standing in the middle of the road taking pictures.
3:33 PM | | 0 Comments
Happy Thanksgiving
No turkey for us this year. :( Ah well. It just wasn't meant to be. I had been planning on having people over at the new place, however that just didn't work out. It's really hard to cook a turkey dinner using a hot place, microwave and small convection oven.
Instead, we decided we'd go to a restaurant that was serving Thanksgiving Dinner. However, I, Carly, in my infinite wisdome forgot to make reservations. So, we took a chance and drove there anyway. Big mistake. The wait to get a table was 1 - 1.5 hours. Ummmm, with a toddler and an 8 month old - I don't think so!
So we went next door to Boston Pizza. It was practically desserted, which suited us just fine. Our food was fast and hot, and the waitress was friendly!
I'm a little sad that we didn't have any turkey this year, but my lasagna was fabulous, and the cheesecake I had for dessert was a nice substitute for pumpin pie!
Gobble Gobble!
6:27 PM | | 0 Comments