Road trip: day 6

Oops. I'm not sure why I didn't get around to posting yesterday. Other than a quick trip to the beach to fly a kite, we didn't actually do too much. Finn had a wonderful time, and although Spencer also enjoyed the kite, after watching it for a little while he started digging in the sand again! If you look up, way up, you'll see the kite. It was an el-cheapo kite, so we were surprised taht it lasted more than 10 minutes in the sky! Greg and I actually wondered weather the kite would fall apart first, or fly away due to Finn letting go. Thankfully, neither happened!
Then something appeared on the beach that was much more exciting than kites, sand or the ocean. It was a pick-up truck. Good grief, you'd think they'd never seen a pick-up truck before! I guess one driving on the beach was a rare sight though.