Spencer and the potty

Spencer will be 2 in February. Last week, he decided that he wanted to go poop on the potty. He stood at my feet, pointed to his bum, and said "poo, poo" so I brought him upstairs, sat him on the potty, and voila...he did his business on there.

Then 2 days ago he asked again. And again, he did it. Last night he went on the potty before going to bed, and woke up dry this morning. He asked me to take his diaper off, I did, and he went pee.

After struggling with Finn for so long, it's quite a surprise the Spencer took the initiative himself.

It would be nice to have Spencer out of diapers by his second birthday. I'm not going to hold my breath, but here's to hoping!!


Lorraine said...

Vicarious learning can be quite powerful~ Let's keep our collective fingers crossed!

tracey said...

wow! that is quite impressive that your not-even-2 year old son is using the potty. amazing what they learn from their siblings.