Spencer visits the ER

Saturday evening Spencer started feeling really warm. On Sunday morning he woke up red and irritable and cranky and really warm. He responded well to Advil and Tylenol, but the fever just kept returning. On Sunday and Monday his fever was between 104 and 106. Then on Monday night I heard him whimpering and shaking and he just didn't like "right." I gave him some Advil and then took him to the hospital where we waited. And waited. And waited.

We were finally seen by a doctor, and wouldn't you know it, the Advil had kicked in and he was good as new! There was no sign of ear infection, or chest infection. He's now on the mend. Still a little crabby, but feeling better.

Not the best pics because they were taken with my cell phone. I kept it turned off most of time, but I couldn't help but break the rules a few times because he just looked so cute!

He was feeling better at this point. He kept putting his money in his teeth, smiling and shaking it around. This cracked him up. I felt a little silly having a laughing, smiley boy in the ER!