Faster. FASTER!

We received this bicycle wagon last year as a gift from Greg's coworkers. I finally set it up today and took the boys for a spin. They LOVED it. Well, ok. Finn loved it. Spencer was so-so. Since my bike is still not in working order, I had to use Greg's bike with has the most uncomfortable seat EVER. We didn't go far, but Finn had a taste of speed and was going crazy, yelling "faster mommy, FASTER" and when I wanted to coast for a few seconds so that I could catch my breath, he yelled "no, keep pedalling." So I did. "Ok, that's better. Good girl."

Needless to say I am dreadfully out of shape. Greg expressed interest in coming out each evening for a bike ride, so that means I either have to get my bike fixed (which I'd prefer) or I have to get a new one. However I wouldn't mind spending some $$ if it means that Greg will get off his a$$ and away from his computer for a little while each day!
And yes, Spencer's knees really are that dirty. Crawling in the dirt will do that to knees.