Nothing much
Today Greg and I are going shopping for a used minivan. Much to Greg's dismay, we will soon be the proud owners of a true family vehicle!
If we weren't expecting to get an au pair, then we wouldn't need a van, however as soon as we turn Spencer around to front-facing, even the slimmest of au pairs would not be able to wedge herself in between the two carseats in the Volvo.
It was such a beautiful day out yesterday. I popped Spencer in the backpack carrier and raked the front lawn. It looks much better, although the grass is still quite brown. There were a few flowers out and it really reinforced the fact that SPRING is finally here! Finn played with his trucks outside while I raked, and he also helped me out a bit. Spencer then went down for a nap, and I let Finn watch Thomas the Tank Engine. Either Finn found this very boring, or he was just pooped from being outside. This is how I found him about 20 minutes later (and he only ever falls asleep in his bed or in the car).
And here is Sumsy, from Bob the Builder. He looked so cute sitting on the floor yesterday morning. Yes, I know it's just a toy, but it's like he was just waiting for Finn to play with him!

8:35 AM
This entry was posted on 8:35 AM
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