Same stump, different year...again
Today was the day for our annual trip up to get some fall photos taken. It was Finn's 4th time up there, and Spencer's 2nd. The weather was wonderful, and the boys cooperated (for the most part).
No matter how many times I go there, it always takes my breath away. Unfortunately, I'm not a good enough photographer to convey just how absolutely BEAUTIFUL this place is. The leaves were on fire. My timing was impeccable this year!
Here is Finn by the stump. If you'll take a look at this blog entry from a year ago, you can see the shots from previous years (please exuse the horrible formatting of that post...what was I thinking?) This not the greatest photo, but you get the idea!I just love this shot. It would be perfect if only Spencer's face wasn't so squished!
And here they are romping in the leaves. The had a blast, and it was fun to see them running around. Spencer could barely keep up, but he certainly tried!
This picture cracks me up when I look at it. I'm not sure what it is about his look, but it makes me laugh.
Finn and his leaf.
Thanksgiving comparison shot
It's been a while since I did one of these. Yesterday I remembered a photo that I'd taken of Finn two years ago. I dressed Spencer up in the same clothes that he was wearing, and drove on over to the house that we used to live in (thank goodness it's still in the family or else it would be been very strange to knock on the door and ask the new owners if I could borrow their steps!) Finn was actually a month younger then Spencer currently is, but I think Spencer has much more of a baby look than Finn did, and he's much smaller too. And here is Finn today. He INSISTED that I take his picture too! (And no, I did NOT instruct him to pose like that!
9:53 PM | Labels: comparison, finn, spencer | 1 Comments
Lessons learned
Today I learned a few important lessons.
1) always wear proper footwear when playing basketball. You WILL get hurt if you don't
2) never believe what a Fido employee tells you
3) be sure that your 3 1/2 year old goes pee BEFORE heading out to the stores, or he WILL pee his pants at the checkout counter and leave a huge pee puddle on the floor
8:24 PM | | 2 Comments
Another WTH kind of moment
So there I was this evening. Roaming the aisles of Value Vilage, when what do I see? A winter jacket, sized 2T. What struck me was not the bright yellow of its' material, but rather the image of the MACHINE GUN on the front of it. Seriously, WTH were they thinking when they picked this little gem of a drawing/caption and stuck it on the front of a toddler jacket?
8:14 PM | Labels: clothing, WTH | 6 Comments
What's wrong with this picture?
Yesterday, the boys and I headed out to the fair. We had a grand time. It was a bit chilly, but fun. Spencer went on his first ride. He LOVED the merry-go-round, alth0ugh he was a little unsure if it until it actually started moving). I think we went on it 3 times. He had a huge smile on his face throughout the ride, and I actually had to break his grip from the rail after the last time around. The two carnies were laughing at the site of me trying to get my child to loosen his grip!Finn was old enough this year to go on a few rides by himself. He too loved the merry-go-round, but I think the car ride beat it out. He also won a stuffed Scooby-Doo at one of the games on the midway (I may have helped him out a bit).
And here is the photograph that inspired the title of this post. WTH??? In case you can't read the sign, it says "Our Goal Is To Have A Smoke Free Environment For Our Children's Well Being" And as you can see, she's pushing a stroller and taking a HUGE drag of a smoke. Sheesh!
10:38 PM | Labels: fair, finn, rides, spencer | 1 Comments
Quick update
I guess I didn't quite keep up with the updates like I was hoping for. However, I should be able to be a little more diligent about it now, because....our nanny starts tomorrow!!! I'm so excited. A bit nervous, but I'm sure it'll all be good.
Business is going well. I've had 2 sessions this week, with 2 more booked and possibly one more on the weekend. Next week is starting to fill up too, and I there are a few more bookings for later on in the month.
Greg got his new car today. He's pretty excited. It's nice, and it smells so nice. I love the new car smell.
Still no iPhone for me. I'm still crossing my fingers that UPS will show up at the door tomorrow before 5:00 pm. If they don't, I'm off to raise a little hell at the Fido store at the mall.
Mika got skunked last night. Lovely. He smells a bit better. 1/4 cup baking soda, tsp of dishsoap and 1 Litre of hydrogen peroxide. Works like a charm. You may need two applications, but it gets rid of a lot of the stench.
That's all for now. Spencer is crying, and the episode of the Wonder Pets that Finn is watching is almost over.
4:17 PM | | 1 Comments