i heart faces - week 24

This week, the theme over at iHeartFaces is "Let's Hear It For The Boys". Since I have two boys, it was pretty easy for me to find a photo as my entry!

9:56 AM | | 11 Comments
Get Your Creative On
My friend Angie (I hope she doesn't mind me calling her a friend) has a great website. It's called The Creative Mama, and each Friday she invites her readers to share some sort of creative thing that they do.
I finally managed to get my act together! Here's my contribution to this weeks' GYCO Party!
Making a good-luck card.
Step 1
Find a clover patch.

Step 2
Find a 4-leaf clover.

Step 3
Get a blank business card-sized piece of card and write a saying on it (if you wish).

Step 4
Take some clear plastic coating stuff, and laminate your card, front and back.

Step 5
Send the good-luck card to someone who needs some luck!

6:33 PM | | 2 Comments
Go take a hike!
I took the boys on a little hike yesterday. The weather was perfect, not too hot, with a wonderful blue sky. We had a little picnic. I love that there are places like this to go to in the middle of the city.
11:07 AM | | 3 Comments
Craigslist + Swedish Berries = Funny
I love Craigslist. I found this ad this evening while browsing.
Date: 2009-05-20, 3:55PM EDT
I'm moving out of my place and found an unopened package of Swedish Berries in my cupboard. It weighs approximately 355 grams and I assume was imported from Sweden. It's a resealable package so you can open it up, have some and then reseal the package. The front label says the berries are made with real fruit, and the ingredients list 'concentrated pear juice' so I guess there is some real fruit in them. They're less than a year old, I don't think gummi goes bad.
If you're interested let me know and you could pick them up sometime.
8:52 PM | | 3 Comments
My newest addiction - Blip.fm
I'm so addicted to this site. It's like a free giant juke box. I'm discovering so much new music, and re-discovering some old favourites.
2:39 PM | | 0 Comments