Get Your Creative On
My friend Angie (I hope she doesn't mind me calling her a friend) has a great website. It's called The Creative Mama, and each Friday she invites her readers to share some sort of creative thing that they do.
I finally managed to get my act together! Here's my contribution to this weeks' GYCO Party!
Making a good-luck card.
Step 1
Find a clover patch.

Step 2
Find a 4-leaf clover.

Step 3
Get a blank business card-sized piece of card and write a saying on it (if you wish).

Step 4
Take some clear plastic coating stuff, and laminate your card, front and back.

Step 5
Send the good-luck card to someone who needs some luck!

6:33 PM
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I absolutely consider you a friend, thank you.
What an adorable idea! I love it, but have to admit I've never found a 4-leafer... am I strange? LOL
If ever I can come upon one I'm taking on your project. So glad to see you linked up! :)
such a sweet idea!!
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