Shoes and PJs
Spencer came clomping down the hallway a few minutes ago, wearing his pajamas and my shoes. He was pretty pleased with himself, and it reminded me of a picture that I'd taken of Finn a couple of years ago.
Here is Spencer.Here is Finn, wearing pajamas and Greg's shoes!
11:23 AM | Labels: finn, shoes, spencer | 1 Comments
Stuck in Vancouver
I am currently sitting in the Vancouver airport. I've been here for just over 2 1/2 hours. I was expecting a layover, however my connecting flight as to have left half an hour ago. It was then delayed until 2:00, and an Air Canada employee has just announced another delay.
I've travelled quite a bit in my life, and realize that delays are to be expected. However, my flightbis not the only one that has been delayed. Since I've been in the waiting area, three flights have been cancelled. One due to a fueling problem, onebecause they couldn't get the seats back in properly, and one because of weather (can't really blame Air Canada foe that though). But get this, there has just been an annoucement that went something like this "attention passengers of flight 123 to Castlegar. The weather in Castlegar is not quite as good as we'd like it to be. There is only a 50/50 chance that the plane will be able to land. We will be boarding shortly. However, we will be stopping en route at XYZ airport to refuel. Then we will attemp to land. If we are unable to land in Castlegar, well turn the plane around and return to Vancouver."
Seriously, folks. Would you get on that plane? I think that just has more frustration and angry passengers written all over it.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for my plane. A tow trick is supposed to be bringing it from the hangar.
4:59 PM | | 0 Comments
Forgetfulness and vomit
I had to drive downtown today to pick up a picture from the photolab. I decided to take my camera with me, in hopes of taking a photograph or two that I could use from my photo-a-day blog. I get to my destination, pick up my picture, and then start taking a few shots. I try to review them, and suddenly see the message "No CF card". Crud. So I head home and sulk.
Fast forward to dinner time. Finn is happily eating his mac'n'cheese and hotdog. Spencer on the other hand, is slowly picking at it. He eats a few pieces of hotdog, and a little bit of macaroni. He suddenly stops, and a look slowly appears on his face. I know that look. I've seen it many times on Finn before. I quickly stand up and lift him out of his high chair. Unfortunately, I'm not fast enough to even get him out of the kitchen. Projectile vomit all over my chair and on the floor, under the table and a bit in the hallway.
He then looks up at me, and smiles and asks for a banana!! Hopefully he'll be ok for the rest of the night.
8:31 PM | | 2 Comments
Another one bites the dust.
I was able to strike one of my bucket list items off my list yesterday. I did the deed and shaved my hair. It's about 1/4 of an inch long now, and it feels really weird. I doubt I'll ever do it again, but it'll be an interesting experience!
9:55 PM | Labels: bucket list | 5 Comments