Spring in November

It's November 5th today. It feels more like April 5th. I am on the
train right now, heading downtown, and I wish I'd brought my camera.
I can't think of a better way to spend a nice day than taking pjotos.
But that'll just have to wait because, well I didn't bring my camera!

I don't usually take to GO train during the daytime, so it's
interesting to be inboard with the mix of people that I'm currently
riding with. I have the hoity-tooth woman across the way from me,
reading her free newspaper, the teenager a few seats down from me who
is sleeping with her mouth wide open, and the 30-something businessman
with the slick-backed hair listening to music on iPhone. I wonder
what's in his playlist?


tracey said...

wonder how they would have described you?
i enjoyed the insight into your head this morning :)