New Years resolution and my bucket list
It's the end of December. Time to start thinking about resolutions. They never seem to go very well for me. Last year I vowed to start flossing more often. I did well for about 2 weeks. I'm better than I used to be, but I've let my dentist down.
I hope to actually be able to keep my resolution for 2009, which is to take a picture each day AND to blog about. I've started a new blog just for this resolution. It's called iampunch365, and can be found HERE. I hope to be able to stick to this plan, and I think it will be a lot of fun. I'm also hoping that my photography skills improve by doing this.
Now on to my Bucket List. If you've never heard of the term, it's basically a list of things you'd like to do before you "kick the bucket". Last year a movie called The Bucket List staring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson came out. It was good. My bucket list is now on the right-hand side.
Each year, around the start of a new year, I start debating on whether or not to shave my head (which is on my bucket list). It's something that has fascinated me for over a decade. It's not to make a statement against society. It's not because I'm a Neo-Nazi. It's just something that I've wanted to do. I'd like to know what it feels like to shave my head. It's as simple as that. And besides, hair grows back. It may be interesting to rediscover my natural hair colour. And January 1st just seems like the appropriate day to do this. As someone pointed out to me, January in Canada may not be the best time of the year to do it, as it gets pretty cold, however, if I do it now, I'd have some hair cover for the summer so that a sunburned head would no be as much of a problem!
I still have a few days to decide. The only thing I worry about is what my customers would think. It bothers me to think that people would chose another photographer over me just because of the state of my hair. But, people are fickle. Maybe this can be a test as to whether or not my talent will overcome peoples' attitudes about shaved heads? Perhaps if I'd done this as a fundraiser, it would be more acceptable? I'm not sure. Maybe I'll use that as an excuse if i don't go through with it this year.
8:40 AM | Labels: bucket list, resolution, shave | 3 Comments
Another Christmas has come and gone. It was a good one. You know those shoes I was coveting about a month ago? Greg got them for me!!!! I was more than surprised, and they are wonderful. I will be posting a picture of them soon. The boys had fun, and Finn was so excited about everything. This morning he looked at me and said "mommy, I'm sad" I asked him why, and he said "because it's not Christmastime anymore." The pictures are in the wrong order but I don't feel like fixing them!
2:17 PM | Labels: Christmas, cookies | 1 Comments
Let it snow!
It snowed today. And snowed, and snowed and snowed. The boys loved it. I didn't, because I had to drive in it! However, I did snap a couple of pictures, and I just wanted to share! (click to enlarge).
10:18 PM | Labels: snow | 2 Comments
Phone books and straws
Seriously, why do we need three different Yellowpages-style phone books? I don't like having ice cubes in my beverages unless I have a straw. We were out of straws, and I forgot to pick up a box at Wal-Mart while I was there this morning. So, I grabbed some while I was at Costco. While I was driving home, I noticed that there I bought 2000 STRAWS. The plastic is going to break down before I have a change to use them all! What was I thinking?
3:34 PM | Labels: excess, phone books, straws | 0 Comments
3 years 8 months 21 days
Today, Finn was in a pretty good mood all day, and while Spencer was having his afternoon nap, I took a few pictures of Finn.
He will be 4 in March, so that makes him 3 years, 8 months and 21 days old (hence the title of this post). However, he just SEEMS so much older in this picture. Of course, maybe it's just me.
I guess I'm having a hard time believe that just a few years ago he was so SMALL. I guess it's true that time does fly. And that you should enjoy every minute with your children while they are still young.
9:37 PM | Labels: finn | 1 Comments