Happy Birthday, Spencer!
Unfortunately I didn't get one done right after he was born, and I was away in June and the couch was packed up in July because we were moving, but you get the idea!

11:16 AM | | 0 Comments
I love my camera
Finn and Spencer. Nothing short of a bribe of chocolate or some other forbidden treat will get Finn to pose!
I set up my tripod today and opened the window. Thankfully it was pretty warm out (hence the melting icicles). It harder than I thought it would be to catch the drops as they fell!
I have wanted a pair of these boots for quite some time. They arrived today! I'm so excited, but can't really wear them yet because it's too icky and slushy outside. I've been wearing them around the house though, and they are soooo comfortable!
This is for Julie! I'm a bit late with the picture, but I hope you like it!
And last but not least, my two attempts at a moody self-portrait.
9:39 PM | | 0 Comments
Word 5 - Abundance
Once again, I didn't have to go far for this weeks' word. Mother Nature reminded us that there it is still winter. Thank goodness for the snowblower. It would have taken us hours to shovel the driveway by hand!
4:28 PM | | 0 Comments