It's almost time!
I'm pretty excited! Thank you to everyone who posted and emailed me your suggestions. I now have a wonderfully long list of words to choose from. And I get to start tomorrow...stay tuned...
Christmas went well. The boys had fun, and Finn was pretty excited. We put out some milk and cookies for Santa, and of course the next morning they were gone. All Finn could talk about for the next few days was that Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk! The magic of Christmas has started, and I'm hoping he and Spencer will believe for quite a few years to come. It's so much fun!
11:51 AM | | 0 Comments
Can you think of a word?
I'm planning a photo project for 2008, and I need your help. I need suggestions on what to if you could give me ideas, that would be great. They should be one-word ideas...such as "love" or "fear", "pink" or "small."
I'd like to do at least a picture per week, and that means I need a lot of words. I'm planning a January 1st start date, so start suggesting! Each photograph will be posted on this blog, so if you want to see if your word has been photographed, be sure to check back often!
Please leave me a comment with your suggestion. Don't worry about leaving your name if you don't want to...but I'd really appreciate your help.
Thank you!
9:28 PM | | 0 Comments
It's snowing!!
Yikes! It's been a while. Over a month. Yes, I am a slacker.

9:02 AM | | 0 Comments